A low flat monthly rate covers everything. We request no deposit or lease. There are no buy-in costs required. Rates are guaranteed (a big deal!). We provide a moving allowance- even lower your rent when you are away. Our residents enjoy free cable television and internet access. Our respites, vacation, and trial stay rates are the best around. We offer total flexibility and no surprise level of care changes that increase your rates in other communities. A good thing!!!
Trial stays…Respites…Vacations – Oh My!
We are so sure you will love life at The Bayberry we offer trial stays at a great rate. We even give you the FIRST DAY FREE! Enjoy a vacation when family members are away… close up your house for the winter months… or come just for the fun of it!
We Keep It Simple at The Bayberry Inn!
Please visit any time. After visiting, we invite your family for lunch to sample our home cooking and see our fine staff in action. We offer hassle-free reservations to guarantee priority on future openings, without obligation. Your reservation is even transferable to another family member. Not ready to make a move yet but wish to have the peace of mind that options will bring you? No problem! Secure priority for future openings or for the suite of your choice. There is no complicated application process. A few minutes is all it takes. Total flexibility and simple!